5.1 Transformations

  • 5.1.1 Transformation Conditions
  • transformation   [Protocol Class]

    The protocol class of all transformations. There are one or more subclasses of transformation with implementation-dependent names that implement transformations. The exact names of these classes is explicitly unspecified. If you want to create a new class that behaves like a transformation, it should be a subclass of transformation. All instantiable subclasses of transformation must obey the transformation protocol. [annotate]

    All of the instantiable transformation classes provided by CLIM are immutable. [annotate]


    transformationp  object [Protocol Predicate]

    Returns true if object is a transformation, otherwise returns false. [annotate]


    +identity-transformation+   [Constant]

    An instance of a transformation that is guaranteed to be an identity transformation, that is, the transformation that "does nothing". [annotate]


    5.1.1 Transformation Conditions

    transformation-error   [Error Condition]

    The class that is the superclass of the following three conditions. This class is a subclass of error. [annotate]


    transformation-underspecified   [Error Condition]

    The error that is signalled when make-3-point-transformation is given three collinear image points. This condition will handle the :points initarg, which is used to supply the points that are in error. [annotate]


    reflection-underspecified   [Error Condition]

    The error that is signalled when make-reflection-transformation is given two coincident points. This condition will handle the :points initarg, which is used to supply the points that are in error. [annotate]


    singular-transformation   [Error Condition]

    The error that is signalled when invert-transformation is called on a singular transformation, that is, a transformation that has no inverse. This condition will handle the :transformation initarg, which is used to supply the transformation that is singular. [annotate]
