CLIM 2 Specification
Part V: Extended Stream Output Facilities
Part V: Extended Stream Output Facilities
15 Extended Stream Output
15.1 Basic Output Streams
15.2 Extended Output Streams
15.3 The Text Cursor
15.4 Text Protocol
15.5 Attracting the User's Attention
15.6 Buffering of Output
16 Output Recording
16.1 Overview of Output Recording
16.2 Output Records
16.3 Types of Output Records
16.4 Output Recording Streams
17 Table Formatting
17.1 Overview of Table Formatting Facilities
17.2 Table Formatting Functions
17.3 The Table and Item List Formatting Protocols
18 Graph Formatting
18.1 Graph Formatting Functions
18.2 The Graph Formatting Protocols
19 Bordered Output
20 Text Formatting
20.1 Textual List Formatting
20.2 Indented Output
20.3 Filled Output
21 Incremental Redisplay
21.1 Overview of Incremental Redisplay
21.2 Standard Programmer Interface
21.3 Incremental Redisplay Protocol
21.4 Incremental Redisplay Stream Protocol