Write a dozen test cases for the ANSI Common Lisp STRING-EQUAL function. Test the function with two empty strings as arguments: (string-equal "" "") => T Test the function with two strings that contain the same characters but have different cases: (string-equal "Hello" "hello") => NIL Test the function with two strings that contain different characters: (string-equal "Hello" "world") => NIL Test the function with two strings that are the same except for leading and trailing white space: (string-equal " Hello " "Hello") => T Test the function with two strings that are the same except for leading and trailing non-printing characters: (string-equal " Hello " " Hello ") => T Test the function with two strings that are the same except for an accented character in one of them: (string-equal "Hello" "Héllo") => NIL Test the function with two strings that are the same except for an emoji in one of them: (string-equal "Hello" "Hello 😊") => NIL Test the function with two strings that contain the same characters but in a different order: (string-equal "Hello" "olleH") => NIL Test the function with two strings that are the same except for a single character: (string-equal "Hello" "Hellp") => NIL Test the function with two strings that are the same except for an extra character at the beginning: (string-equal "Hello" "xHello") => NIL Test the function with two strings that are the same except for an extra character at the end: (string-equal "Hello" "Hellox") => NIL Test the function with two strings that are the same except for a single character in the middle: (string-equal "Hello" "Hexllo") => NIL STRING-EQUAL also takes symbols as arguments, write some tests for that feature. Test the function with two symbols that contain the same characters: (string-equal 'hello 'hello) => T Test the function with two symbols that contain the same characters but have different cases: (string-equal 'Hello 'hello) => NIL Test the function with two symbols that contain different characters: (string-equal 'Hello 'world) => NIL Test the function with a symbol and a string that contain the same characters: (string-equal 'Hello "Hello") => T Test the function with a symbol and a string that contain the same characters but have different cases: (string-equal 'Hello "hello") => NIL Test the function with a symbol and a string that contain different characters: (string-equal 'Hello "world") => NIL Test the function with a symbol and a string that contain the same characters except for leading and trailing white space: (string-equal ' Hello "Hello") => T Test the function with a symbol and a string that contain the same characters except for an accented character in one of them: (string-equal 'Hello "Héllo") => NIL Test the function with a symbol and a string that contain the same characters except for an emoji in one of them: (string-equal 'Hello "Hello 😊") => NIL Test the function with a symbol and a string that contain the same characters but in a different order: (string-equal 'Hello "olleH") => NIL Test the function with a symbol and a string that contain the same characters except for a single character: (string-equal 'Hello "Hellp") => NIL Test the function with a symbol and a string that contain the same characters except for a single character in the middle: (string-equal 'Hello "Hexllo") => NIL