
The overall syntax of a grammar is as follows. We use the the Modified BNF Syntax as defined with ANSI-CL.

grammar    :=    {↓rule}*
rule    :=    (non-terminal {->rhs}+ )
rhs    :=    {↓pattern}* [=>action]
pattern    :=    non-terminal
      (or {↓pattern}*)
non-terminal    :=    a symbol but not a keyword
token    :=    a keyword or a string
action    :=    a Lisp form
option    :=    (:precedence {↓precedence}*)
precedence    :=    ({:left | :right | :nonassoc} {↓token}*)

Within an action symbols named $i ($1, $2, …) refer to the ith semantic action. The package of these symbols is not important but the symbols must appear lexically within the action.

As with loop the symbols ->, =>, ?, *, +, **, ++ are compared with string=, thus the package is not important here.

0.1 Rules

Each rule looks like

    (non-terminal {->rhs}+)

That is a non-terminal name followed by a list of productions right-hand-sides each preceeded by ->. Non-terminals are named by symbols, which may not be keywords. Each such production may include a semantic action preceeded by => which is evaluated and becomes the semantic value of this production.

The RHS items are patterns. In the simplest case such a pattern is a symbol naming another non-terminal or a keyword naming a lexical category. As a convenience strings are accepted as lexical categories as well.

0.1.1 Examples

(sum -> sum "+" product
     -> product)

This rule has two productions. The first says that a sum is either a sum followed by the token "+" and a product, the second says it may also be just a product.

We may want to add a semantic action to the first production so that the semantic value of the sum non-terminal when matched is indeed the sum of the arguments. Like

(sum -> sum "+" product     => (+ $1 $3)
     -> product)

The Lisp form (+ $1 $3) is evaluated with $1 lexically defined to be the semantic value of the sum mentioned in the RHS and $3 being the semantic value of the third item in the RHS namely the product non-terminal. We do not need an explicit semantic action for the second production -> product because a semantic action returning just $1 is the default.

0.2 Iteration


Matches zero or more of rhs. The semantic value is a list of all the semantic value of rhs.


Same as (* rhs), but matches one or more of rhs.


Option. Matches zero or one rhs. The semantic value of this pattern is either nil when rhs did not appear, or the semantic value of rhs.

(** separator rhs)

A list of zero or more occurrences of rhs separated by the pattern separator. The semantic value of this pattern is a list of the rhs appeared.

(++ separator rhs)

Same as ** but at least one rhs must be present.