-URLCreation DateOctets
Here is the bug in TeX.
  2021-07-26  1,387
dpANS chapter 9 TeXed. This looks fine so far, yet the DVI does not exactly match the original.
  2021-07-24  350,950
[dir]cmex-enc.pdf  2023-02-01  72,372
METAFONT works and I can read the .gf files and display them with CLIM.
  2021-07-29  122,632
TANGLE, Pascal to SEXPRs, compiling, loading plain.tex and \dump, loading plain.fmt and TeXing chap-9.tex. All pretty slow, but running with full runtime type checks all the way.
  2021-07-24  1,330,930
[dir]dpans-chap-3.txt  2021-09-12  219,601
[dir]dpans-glitch.png  2022-05-02  22,297
[dir]dpans.0.txt  2021-09-16  3,233,546
[dir]infix-printing.lisp  2021-08-01  1,300
[dir]memory-word.lisp  2021-07-24  866
[dir]tangle.pas  2021-08-01  85,702
The resulting output of a tiny test file.
  2021-07-23  10,124
Screenshot of TeX running in Lisp.
  2021-07-23  438,713
S-expr version of the Pascal that is the output of TANGLE.
  2021-07-28  628,741
The pretty printed Pascal, which is emitted by TANGLE.
  2021-08-01  643,278
[dir]tex-meets-clim-meets-pdf.pdf  2021-07-30  1,546,365
[dir]tex.pdf  2021-07-31  2,256,912
[dir]tex-meets-clim.png  2021-07-30  642,993
[dir]tex.p.txt  2021-07-31  372,151
I have some trouble with TeX reading an undefined slot^Wfield. Here is a trace.
  2021-07-26  626

Gilbert Baumann
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