/* -*- Mode: C; -*- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Title: Primitive Toy Lisp * Created: Somewhen 2013 * Author: Gilbert Baumann * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * (c) copyright 2013-2020 by Gilbert Baumann */ /* THIS IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE AND NOT FOR REDISTRIBUTION. */ #define USE_READLINE 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if USE_READLINE #include #include #endif #define error my_error /* -- Nodes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define TYPE_CONS 0 #define TYPE_SYMBOL 1 #define TYPE_NUMBER 2 #define TYPE_STRING 3 typedef unsigned char type_t; /* * We might want to encapsulate the T type in a structure, for added * type safety. Surprisingly this turns to slower code, so it is not * enabled by default. */ #define ENCAPSULATE_NODE 0 #if ENCAPSULATE_NODE struct T { struct node *n; }; typedef struct T T; /* for extra type safety */ #define NODE(x) ((x).n) T NIL = { 0 }; #else typedef struct node *T; #define NODE(x) (x) #define NIL 0 #endif struct node { type_t type; union { struct cons { T car; T cdr; } cons; struct symbol { T function; T more; /* (value name . plist) */ } symbol; struct number { double val; } number; } u; }; /* -- Forward Declarations ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ void error (const char *msg, T x) __attribute__((noreturn)); int null (T object); double get_num (T object); T prin1 (T, T); T terpri (T); T cstring_list (const char *str); T mk_num (double x); int equal (T, T); T NIL_name; T unbound; T fsubr_progn (T form, T env); int eq (T x, T y); T dot, rparen, tag_marker, block_marker; T NIL_plist = NIL; T oblist = NIL; T sFIN; #define SYMBOLS \ _(sT, "T") \ _(sCLOSURE, "CLOSURE") \ _(sLAMBDA, "LAMBDA") \ _(sMACRO, "MACRO") \ _(sFSUBR, "FSUBR") \ _(sSUBR, "SUBR") \ _(sQUOTE, "QUOTE") \ _(sFUNCTION, "FUNCTION") \ _(kSTREAM, ":STREAM") \ _(aOPTIONAL, "&OPTIONAL") \ _(sBACKQUOTE, "BACKQUOTE") \ _(sCOMMA, "COMMA") \ _(sCOMMA_AT, "COMMA-AT") #define FSUBRS \ _(fsubr_progn, "PROGN") \ _(fsubr_function, "FUNCTION") \ _(fsubr_quote, "QUOTE") \ _(fsubr_if, "IF") \ _(fsubr_setq, "SETQ") \ _(fsubr_block, "BLOCK") \ _(fsubr_return_from, "RETURN-FROM") \ _(fsubr_tagbody, "TAGBODY") \ _(fsubr_go, "GO") #define _(fun,name) T fun (/*T, T*/); FSUBRS #undef _ T (*fsubr_table []) (T form, T env) = { #define _(fun,name) fun, FSUBRS #undef _ 0 }; #define _(var,name) T var; SYMBOLS #undef _ /* -- Nodes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ T alloc_node (type_t type) { #if !ENCAPSULATE_NODE T res = GC_malloc (sizeof (struct node)); #else T res; res.n = GC_malloc (sizeof (struct node)); #endif NODE(res)->type = type; return res; } type_t type_of (T object) { if (null (object)) return TYPE_SYMBOL; else return NODE(object)->type; } int typep (T object, type_t type) { return type_of (object) == type; } /* -- Conses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ T cons (T ca, T cd) { T res = alloc_node (TYPE_CONS); NODE(res)->u.cons.car = ca; NODE(res)->u.cons.cdr = cd; return res; } int consp (T object) { return typep (object, TYPE_CONS); } T car (T x) { if (null (x)) return NIL; else if (consp (x)) return NODE(x)->u.cons.car; else error ("Not a list", x); } T cdr (T x) { if (null (x)) return NIL; else if (consp (x)) return NODE(x)->u.cons.cdr; else error ("Not a list", x); } T caar (T x) { return car (car (x)); } T cadr (T x) { return car (cdr (x)); } T cdar (T x) { return cdr (car (x)); } T cddr (T x) { return cdr (cdr (x)); } T caddr (T x) { return car (cdr (cdr (x))); } T rplaca (T cell, T value) { if (!consp (cell)) error ("Not a cons cell", cell); NODE(cell)->u.cons.car = value; return cell; } T rplacd (T cell, T value) { if (!consp (cell)) error ("Not a cons cell", cell); NODE(cell)->u.cons.cdr = value; return cell; } /* -- Symbols ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ T make_symbol (T name) { T res = alloc_node (TYPE_SYMBOL); T more = cons (eq (car (name), mk_num (':')) ? res : unbound, cons (name, NIL)); NODE(res)->u.symbol.function = unbound; NODE(res)->u.symbol.more = more; return res; } T make_symbol_from_cstring (const char *cname) { return make_symbol (cstring_list (cname)); } int symbolp (T object) { return typep (object, TYPE_SYMBOL); } T symbol_value (T sym) { T res; if (!symbolp (sym)) error ("Not a symbol", sym); if (null (sym)) return NIL; res = car (NODE(sym)->u.symbol.more); if (eq (res, unbound)) error ("Unbound symbol", sym); return res; } T symbol_function (T sym) { T res; if (!symbolp (sym)) error ("Not a symbol", sym); if (null (sym)) goto bad; res = NODE(sym)->u.symbol.function; if (eq (res, unbound)) goto bad; return res; bad: error ("Undefined function", sym); } T symbol_plist (T sym) { if (!symbolp (sym)) error ("Not a symbol", sym); if (null (sym)) return NIL_plist; return cdr (cdr (NODE(sym)->u.symbol.more)); } T symbol_name (T sym) { if (!symbolp (sym)) error ("Not a symbol", sym); if (null (sym)) return NIL_name; return car (cdr (NODE(sym)->u.symbol.more)); } T set (T sym, T val) { if (!symbolp (sym)) error ("Not a symbol", sym); else if (null (sym)) error ("You cannot set NIL", sym); else { rplaca (NODE(sym)->u.symbol.more, val); return val; } } T putd (T sym, T fun) { if (!symbolp (sym)) error ("Not a symbol", sym); else if (null (sym)) error ("You cannot define NIL", sym); else { NODE(sym)->u.symbol.function = fun; return sym; } } T set_symbol_plist (T sym, T val) { if (!symbolp (sym)) error ("Not a symbol", sym); else if (null (sym)) return NIL_plist = val; else return cdr (cdr (NODE(sym)->u.symbol.more)); } T intern (T name) { T q; if (equal (name, NIL_name)) return NIL; for (q = oblist; !null (q); q = cdr (q)) if (equal (symbol_name (car (q)), name)) return car (q); /* fall through */ q = make_symbol (name); oblist = cons (q, oblist); return q; } T intern_c (const char *cname) { return intern (cstring_list (cname)); } T cstring_list (const char *str) { /* Don't look */ size_t i; T res = NIL; for (i = strlen (str); i--; ) res = cons (mk_num (str [i]), res); return res; } void *invoke_with_list_cstring (T name, void* (*fun)(void*, const char *), void *p) { size_t n; T q; for (n = 0, q = name; consp (q); q = cdr (q), n++); { char cname [n + 1]; for (n = 0, q = name; consp (q); q = cdr (q), n++) cname[n] = get_num (car (q)); cname[n] = '\0'; return fun (p, cname); } } T subr_make_symbol (T name) { return make_symbol (name); } T subr_intern (T name) { return intern (name); } T subr_oblist (void) { return cons (NIL, oblist); } int boundp (T sym) { if (!symbolp (sym)) error ("Not a symbol", sym); else if (null (sym)) return 1; else return !eq (unbound, car (NODE(sym)->u.symbol.more)); } int fboundp (T sym) { if (!symbolp (sym)) error ("Not a symbol", sym); else if (null (sym)) return 0; else return !eq (unbound, NODE(sym)->u.symbol.function); } T makunbound (T sym) { if (!symbolp (sym)) error ("Not a symbol", sym); else if (null (sym)) error ("You cannot make NIL unbound", sym); else { rplaca (NODE(sym)->u.symbol.more, unbound); return sym; } } T fmakunbound (T sym) { if (!symbolp (sym)) error ("Not a symbol", sym); else if (null (sym)) error ("You cannot make NIL unbound", sym); else { NODE(sym)->u.symbol.function = unbound; return sym; } } /* -- Numbers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #define MIN_FIXNUM -1000 #define MAX_FIXNUM 1000 T fixnums [MAX_FIXNUM - MIN_FIXNUM + 1]; T mk_num_aux (double x); T mk_num (double x) { if ((x >= MIN_FIXNUM) && (x <= MAX_FIXNUM) && ((int)(x) == x)) return fixnums [(int)x - MIN_FIXNUM]; else return mk_num_aux (x); } T mk_num_aux (double x) { T res = alloc_node (TYPE_NUMBER); NODE(res)->u.number.val = x; return res; } int numberp (T object) { return typep (object, TYPE_NUMBER); } double get_num (T object) { if (!numberp (object)) error ("Not a number", object); return NODE(object)->u.number.val; } int integerp (T object) { double x = get_num (object); return isfinite (x) && (x == trunc (x)); } T plus (T x, T y) { return mk_num (get_num (x) + get_num (y)); } T difference (T x, T y) { return mk_num (get_num (x) - get_num (y)); } T times (T x, T y) { return mk_num (get_num (x) * get_num (y)); } T quotient (T x, T y) { return mk_num (get_num (x) / get_num (y)); } /* ### These behave the same, check! */ T subr_rem (T x, T y) { return mk_num (remainder (get_num (x), get_num (y))); } T subr_mod (T x, T y) { return mk_num (fmod (get_num (x), get_num (y))); } T subr_truncate (T x) { return mk_num (trunc (get_num (x))); } T subr_sin (T x) { return mk_num (sin (get_num (x))); } T subr_cos (T x) { return mk_num (cos (get_num (x))); } T subr_tan (T x) { return mk_num (tan (get_num (x))); } T subr_expt (T x, T y) { return mk_num (pow (get_num (x), get_num (y))); } T subr_exp (T x) { return mk_num (exp (get_num (x))); } T subr_sqrt (T x) { return mk_num (sqrt (get_num (x))); } T subr_random (T x) { return mk_num (get_num (x) * drand48 ()); } /* ### no LOG? */ T subr_logior (T x, T y) { return mk_num ((long)get_num(x) | (long)get_num(y)); } T subr_logxor (T x, T y) { return mk_num ((long)get_num(x) ^ (long)get_num(y)); } T subr_logand (T x, T y) { return mk_num ((long)get_num(x) & (long)get_num(y)); } T subr_lognot (T x) { return mk_num (~(long)get_num(x)); } /* ### no ASH? */ int equ (T x, T y) { return (get_num (x) == get_num (y)); } int lessp (T x, T y) { return (get_num (x) < get_num (y)); } /* -- Predicates --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int eq (T x, T y) { return x == y; } int null (T x) { return eq (NIL, x); } int atom (T x) { return !consp (x); } int listp (T x) { return consp (x) || null (x); } int eql (T x, T y) { if (numberp (x) && numberp (y)) return get_num (x) == get_num (y); else return eq (x, y); } int equal (T x, T y) { return (eql (x, y) || (consp (x) && consp (y) && equal (car (x), car (y)) && equal (cdr (x), cdr (y)))); } /* -- Console ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #if USE_READLINE int con_getc (void); int con_ungetc (int c); int con_putc (int c); int con_rows = 0, con_cols = 0; int my_getc (FILE *f) { if (f == stdin) return con_getc (); else return getc (f); } int my_ungetc (int c, FILE *f) { if (f == stdin) return con_ungetc (c); else return ungetc (c, f); } int my_putc (int c, FILE *f) { if ((f == stdout) || (f == stderr)) return con_putc (c); else return putc (c, f); } #ifdef getc #undef getc #endif #ifdef ungetc #undef ungetc #endif #ifdef putc #undef putc #endif #define getc(f) my_getc(f) #define ungetc(c,f) my_ungetc(c,f) #define putc(c,f) my_putc(c,f) char *con_rp = NULL; int con_la = -1; char con_curline [1000000]; /* ### */ int con_curcol = 0; int con_putc (int c) { if (c == '\n') { con_curline [con_curcol++] = c; con_curline [con_curcol] = 0; fputs (con_curline, stdout); con_curcol = 0; } else { con_curline [con_curcol++] = c; con_curline [con_curcol] = 0; if (con_curcol >= con_cols) { char *p = strrchr (con_curline, ' '); if (p) { int k = p - con_curline; fwrite (con_curline, 1, k, stdout); fputc ('\n', stdout); con_curcol -= (k + 1); memcpy (con_curline, con_curline + (k+1), con_curcol + 1); } else { /* Nothing we could do */ } } } return 0; } int con_getc (void) { int c; if (con_la != -1) { int c = con_la; con_la = -1; return c; } if (con_rp == NULL) { con_rp = readline (con_curline); con_curcol = 0; con_curline[0] = 0; if (con_rp == NULL) return EOF; add_history (con_rp); } c = *(con_rp++); if (c == '\0') { con_rp = NULL; return '\n'; } else return c; } int con_ungetc (int c) { con_la = c; return c; } #endif /* -- I/O ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct file_entry { T file_sym; FILE *file; }; struct file_entry *file_table; int file_table_size = 0; T alloc_file (FILE *file, T sym) { int i; for (i = 0; i < file_table_size; i++) if (file_table[i].file == NULL) goto found; /* fall through, the table is full */ if (file_table_size == 0) { file_table_size = 32; file_table = GC_malloc (sizeof (struct file_entry) * file_table_size); } else { file_table_size = file_table_size + file_table_size/2; file_table = GC_realloc (file_table, sizeof (struct file_entry) * file_table_size); } found: file_table[i].file = file; file_table[i].file_sym = sym; return cons (kSTREAM, cons (mk_num (i), cons (sym, NIL))); } int filep (T x); FILE *file_file (T x); T make_file (FILE *f); void tyo (int c, T stream) { if (filep (stream)) putc (c, file_file (stream)); else if (consp (stream)) { T tail = cdr (stream); T q = cons (mk_num (c), NIL); if (null (tail)) rplacd (rplaca (stream, q), q); else rplacd (stream, cdr (rplacd (tail, q))); } else error ("Not a stream", stream); } void tyos (const char *s, T stream) { #if 0 if (filep (stream)) { FILE *f = file_file (stream); // fputs (s, file_file (stream)); while (*s) putc (*s, f), s++; } else #endif while (*s) tyo (*(s++), stream); } int tyi (T stream) { if (filep (stream)) return getc (file_file (stream)); else if (consp (stream)) { if (null (car (stream))) return EOF; else { int res = get_num (caar (stream)); rplaca (stream, cdar (stream)); if (null (car (stream))) rplacd (stream, NIL); return res; } } else error ("Not a stream", stream); } void untyi (int c, T stream) { if (filep (stream)) ungetc (c, file_file (stream)); else if (consp (stream)) { rplaca (stream, cons (mk_num (c), caar (stream))); if (null (cdr (stream))) rplacd (stream, car (stream)); } else error ("Not a stream", stream); } int filep (T file) { return (consp (file) && eq (kSTREAM, car (file))); } struct file_entry *file_file_entry (T file) { int n; struct file_entry *f; if (null (cadr (file))) goto closed_flame; n = get_num (cadr (file)); if (n < 0) goto bad; if (n >= file_table_size) goto bad; f = file_table + n; /* ### Hmm, the error message might be misleading, since we reuse handles */ if (!eq (f->file_sym, caddr (file))) goto bad; if (f->file == NULL) goto closed_flame; return f; closed_flame: error ("Attemp to use a closed stream", file); bad: error ("Bad stream", file); } FILE *file_file (T file) { return file_file_entry (file)->file; } struct openit_aux { FILE *f; const char *mode; }; void *openit_aux (void *, const char *); T subr_openi (T filename) { struct openit_aux aux = { .mode = "r" }; invoke_with_list_cstring (symbol_name (filename), openit_aux, &aux); return aux.f ? alloc_file (aux.f, filename) : NIL; } T subr_openo (T filename) { struct openit_aux aux = { .mode = "w" }; invoke_with_list_cstring (symbol_name (filename), openit_aux, &aux); return aux.f ? alloc_file (aux.f, filename) : NIL; } void *openit_aux (void *aux_, const char *s) { struct openit_aux *aux = aux_; aux->f = fopen (s, aux->mode); return 0; } T subr_close (T stream) { struct file_entry *f; if (!filep (stream)) error ("Not a stream", stream); f = file_file_entry (stream); fclose (f->file); f->file = NULL; rplaca (cdr (stream), NIL); return NIL; } /* -- Reader ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ T decode_input_stream_designator (T stream); #define WSPACE "\t \f\r\n" #define CONSTITUENT \ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" \ "!$%&*+-./0123456789:<=>?@[]^_{}~" \ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" struct buf { int room, p;; char *s; }; #define BUF_INIT { 0, 0, "" } void buf_put (struct buf *buf, int c) { if (buf->p >= buf->room) { buf->room = buf->room + buf->room/2; if (buf->room == 0) { buf->room = 32; buf->s = GC_malloc (buf->room + 1); } else buf->s = GC_realloc (buf->s, buf->room + 1); } buf->s[buf->p++] = c; } int constituent_char_p (int c); T read_object (T input, int in_list_p) { int c; again: c = tyi (input); if (c == EOF) { if (!(in_list_p & 2)) error ("EOF", input); return sFIN; } if (strchr (WSPACE, c)) goto again; else if (constituent_char_p (c)) { struct buf buf = BUF_INIT; do { buf_put (&buf, toupper (c)); c = tyi (input); }while ((c != EOF) && strchr (CONSTITUENT, c)); if (c != EOF) untyi (c, input); buf_put (&buf, '\0'); { double d; char *endptr; if (0 == strcmp (buf.s, ".")) { if (!(in_list_p & 1)) error ("Stray dot", input); else return dot; } else { d = strtod (buf.s, &endptr); if (*endptr) return intern_c (buf.s); else return mk_num (d); } } } else if (c == '(') { T res = NIL, tail = NIL, x; for (;;) { x = read_object (input, 1); if (eq (x, rparen)) return res; if (eq (x, dot)) { if (null (tail)) error ("Premature dot.", NIL); x = read_object (input, 1); rplacd (tail, x); x = read_object (input, 1); if (!eq (x, rparen)) error ("')' expected.", NIL); return res; } else { if (null (tail)) res = tail = cons (x, NIL); else { rplacd (tail, x = cons (x, NIL)); tail = x; } } } } else if (c == ')') { if (!(in_list_p & 1)) error ("Unmatched ')'", input); return rparen; } else if (c == ';') { while ((c = tyi (input), c != EOF && c != '\n')); goto again; } else if (c == '\'') { return cons (sQUOTE, cons (read_object (input, 0), NIL)); } else if (c == '`') { return cons (sBACKQUOTE, cons (read_object (input, 0), NIL)); } else if (c == ',') { c = tyi (input); if (c == '@') return cons (sCOMMA_AT, cons (read_object (input, 0), NIL)); else { if (c != EOF) untyi (c, input); return cons (sCOMMA, cons (read_object (input, 0), NIL)); } } else if (c == '#') { c = tyi (input); switch (c) { case '\'': return cons (sFUNCTION, cons (read_object (input, 0), NIL)); case '\\': /* ### */ return mk_num (tyi (input)); default: error ("Bad character after #", mk_num (c)); } } else if (c == '"') { struct buf buf = BUF_INIT; /* Can we fake a string reader? */ for (;;) { c = tyi (input); if (c == EOF) error ("Unterminated string", NIL); if (c == '\\') { c = tyi (input); if (c == EOF) error ("Unterminated string", NIL); } if (c == '"') break; buf_put (&buf, c); } { T r = make_symbol (cstring_list (buf.s)); set (r, r); return r; } } else error ("Bad char", mk_num (c)); } int constituent_char_p (int c) { return !!strchr (CONSTITUENT, c); } T subr_read (T stream, T eof) { T r = read_object (decode_input_stream_designator (stream), null (eof) ? 0 : 2); return (eq (r, sFIN)) ? eof : r; } T decode_input_stream_designator (T stream) { /* ### what does CL do? */ if (eq (NIL, stream)) return symbol_value (intern_c ("*STANDARD-INPUT*")); if (eq (sT, stream)) return symbol_value (intern_c ("*STANDARD-INPUT*")); return stream; } /* -- Printer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ T decode_output_stream_designator (T stream); int needs_escape_p (T name); void write_object (T object, T stream, int escapep) { if (symbolp (object)) { if (escapep && needs_escape_p (symbol_name (object))) { T q; tyo ('"', stream); for (q = symbol_name (object); consp (q); q = cdr (q)) { int c = get_num (car (q)); if ((c == '"') || (c == '\\')) tyo ('\\', stream); tyo (c, stream); } tyo ('"', stream); } else { T q; for (q = symbol_name (object); consp (q); q = cdr (q)) tyo (get_num (car (q)), stream); } } else if (numberp (object)) { /* 6 digits may not be enough! */ char buf[6 /* digits */ + 1 /* dot */ + 1 /* sign */ + 5 /* exp */ + 1 /* '\0' */]; sprintf (buf, "%g", get_num (object)); tyos (buf, stream); } else if (consp (object) && eq (car (object), sQUOTE) && consp (cdr (object)) && null (cddr (object))) { tyo ('\'', stream); write_object (cadr (object), stream, escapep); } else if (consp (object)) { int i; tyo ('(', stream); for (i = 0; consp (object); object = cdr (object), i++) { if (i) tyo (' ', stream); write_object (car (object), stream, escapep); } if (!null (object)) { tyos (" . ", stream); write_object (object, stream, escapep); } tyo (')', stream); } else tyos ("#", stream); /* should not happen */ } void *needs_escape_p_aux (void *, const char *); int needs_escape_p (T pname) { T q; /* Every char must be constituent and has to be upper case */ for (q = pname; consp (q); q = cdr (q)) { int c = get_num (car (q)); if (!constituent_char_p (c) || (toupper (c) != c)) return 1; } /* It could still happen that the string might match the syntax of a number */ return !!invoke_with_list_cstring (pname, needs_escape_p_aux, NULL); } void *needs_escape_p_aux (void *p, const char *s) { char *endptr; (void)p; strtod (s, &endptr); return (*endptr == '\0') ? (void*)s : 0; } T force_output (T stream) { stream = decode_output_stream_designator (stream); if (filep (stream)) fflush (file_file (stream)); return sT; } T prin1 (T object, /* &optional */ T stream) { if (eq (unbound, stream)) stream = sT; stream = decode_output_stream_designator (stream); write_object (object, stream, 1); force_output (stream); return object; } T princ (T object, /* &optional */ T stream) { if (eq (unbound, stream)) stream = sT; write_object (object, decode_output_stream_designator (stream), 0); force_output (stream); return object; } T terpri (/* &optional */ T stream) { if (eq (unbound, stream)) stream = sT; stream = decode_output_stream_designator (stream); tyo ('\n', stream); return NIL; } T print (T object, /* &optional */ T stream) { terpri (stream); prin1 (object, stream); force_output (stream); return object; } T decode_output_stream_designator (T stream) { /* ### what does CL do? */ if (eq (NIL, stream)) return symbol_value (intern_c ("*STANDARD-OUTPUT*")); if (eq (sT, stream)) return symbol_value (intern_c ("*STANDARD-OUTPUT*")); return stream; } /* -- Eval --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ T evsym (T sym, T env); T apply_closure (T params_body, T cenv, T args, T env, int evalp); /* todo */ T evfun (T form, T env); int fsubrp (T x); T apply_subr (T subr, T args, T env, int evlap); int closurep (T x); T closure_param_body (T closure); T closure_env (T closure); T make_closure (T param_body, T cenv); int macrop (T x); int subrp (T x); T evlis (T forms, T env); T apply_fun (T form, T fun, T args, T env, int evalp); T make_closure (T param_body, T cenv); T (*fsubr_fun (T x)) (T form, T env); T eval (T form, T env) { T fun; if (symbolp (form)) return evsym (form, env); if (atom (form)) return form; fun = car (form); if (symbolp (fun)) return apply_fun (form, fun, cdr (form), env, 1); if (consp (fun) && eq (sLAMBDA, car (fun))) return apply_closure (cdr (fun), env, cdr (form), env, 1); error ("Bad function in form", form); } T evsym (T sym, T env) { T q; for (q = env; consp (q); q = cdr (q)) if (eq (sym, caar (q))) return cdar (q); /* fall through */ return symbol_value (sym); } T evfun (T form, T env) { if (symbolp (form)) return symbol_function (form); if (atom (form)) goto bad; if (eq (sLAMBDA, car (form))) return make_closure (cdr (form), env); bad: error ("Bad function", form); } T apply_fun (T form, T fun, T args, T env, int evalp) { /* * ### misnommer * * ### form? */ T ofun = fun; if (symbolp (fun)) fun = evfun (fun, env); if (fsubrp (fun)) { if (!evalp) error ("You cannot call an FSUBR", ofun); else return fsubr_fun (fun) (form, env); } if (subrp (fun)) return apply_subr (fun, args, env, evalp); if (closurep (fun)) return apply_closure (closure_param_body (fun), closure_env (fun), args, env, evalp); if (macrop (fun)) { if (!evalp) error ("You cannot call a macro", ofun); else return eval (apply_fun (NIL, cdr (fun), cons (form, cons (env, NIL)), NIL, 0), env); } error ("Bad function", fun); } T apply_closure (T params_body, T cenv, T args, T env, int evalp) { T p, a; for (p = car (params_body), a = args; consp (p) && consp (a); p = cdr (p), a = cdr (a)) { T sym = car (p); T arg = car (a); if (eq (sym, aOPTIONAL)) break; if (0){ prin1 (cons (intern_c ("***"), cons (sym, cons (aOPTIONAL, NIL))), sT); terpri (sT); } if (!symbolp (sym)) error ("Parameter is not a symbol", sym); cenv = cons (cons (sym, evalp ? eval (arg, env) : arg), cenv); } if (!listp (p)) /* dotted parameter list => our &REST */ { if (!symbolp (p)) error ("Parameter is not a symbol", p); cenv = cons (cons (p, evalp ? evlis (a, env) : a), cenv); a = NIL; p = NIL; } if (eq (car (p), aOPTIONAL)) { goto optional; } done: if (consp (p)) error ("Too few arguments", cons (car (params_body), cons (args, NIL))); if (consp (a)) error ("Too many arguments", cons (car (params_body), cons (args, NIL))); return fsubr_progn (params_body, cenv); optional: p = cdr (p); for (; consp (p); p = cdr (p), a = cdr (a)) { T par = car (p); T arg = car (a); T sym = consp (par) ? car (par) : par; if (!symbolp (sym)) error ("Parameter is not a symbol", sym); cenv = cons (cons (sym, (consp (a) ? (evalp ? eval (arg, env) : arg) : (consp (par) ? eval (cadr (par), cenv) : NIL))), cenv); } goto done; } T evlis (T forms, T env) { /* ### */ T x, y; if (atom (forms)) return NIL; x = eval (car (forms), env); y = evlis (cdr (forms), env); return cons (x, y); } T subr_apply (T fun, T args) { return apply_fun (NIL, fun, args, NIL, 0); } /* -- FSUBRs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int fsubrp (T object) { return consp (object) && eq (sFSUBR, car (object)); } T (*fsubr_fun (T x)) (T form, T env) { int k = get_num (cdr (x)); if ((k >= 0) && (k < sizeof (fsubr_table) / sizeof (fsubr_table[0]) - 1)) return fsubr_table[k]; else error ("Bad FSUBR", x); } T fsubr_quote (T form, T env) { T q; q = cdr (form); if (!consp (q)) error ("Too few arguments", form); if (!null (cdr (q))) error ("Too many arguments", form); return car (q); } T fsubr_setq (T form, T env) { T p, q, sym, val = NIL; q = cdr (form); while (consp (q)) { sym = car (q); if (!symbolp (sym)) error ("Not a symbol", sym); q = cdr (q); if (!consp (q)) error ("Odd number of arguments to SETQ", form); val = eval (car (q), env); q = cdr (q); for (p = env; consp (p); p = cdr (p)) if (eq (caar (p), sym)) { rplacd (car (p), val); goto done; } /* fall through */ set (sym, val); done: ; } return val; } T fsubr_if (T form, T env) { /* ### */ T test, conseq, alt; form = cdr (form); test = car (form); form = cdr (form); conseq = car (form); form = cdr (form); alt = car (form); form = cdr (form); if (!null (eval (test, env))) return eval (conseq, env); else return eval (alt, env); } T fsubr_progn (T form, T env) { /* ### TCO */ T q, res = NIL; for (q = cdr (form); consp (q); q = cdr (q)) res = eval (car (q), env); return res; } T fsubr_function (T form, T env) { /* ### arg check */ /* ### should return only functions */ return evfun (cadr (form), env); } /* -- TAGBODY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ struct cframe { jmp_buf buf; T binding; T ret; struct cframe *link; }; struct cframe *cstack = 0; T fsubr_tagbody (T form, T env) { T tags = NIL; T q; struct cframe frame; for (q = cdr (form); consp (q); q = cdr (q)) if (atom (car (q))) tags = cons (q, tags); env = cons (q = cons (tag_marker, tags), env); frame.link = cstack; frame.binding = q; frame.ret = cdr (form); q = setjmp (frame.buf) ? frame.ret : cdr (form); cstack = &frame; for (q = frame.ret; consp (q); q = cdr (q)) if (!atom (car (q))) eval (car (q), env); cstack = frame.link; return NIL; } T fsubr_go (T form, T env) { T p, q, tag, binding; struct cframe *f; tag = cadr (form); /* ### */ /* Find tag */ for (q = env; consp (q); q = cdr (q)) { binding = car (q); if (eq (tag_marker, car (binding))) for (p = cdr (binding); consp (p); p = cdr (p)) if (eq (tag, caar (p))) goto found; } /* fall through */ error ("GO tag undefined", tag); found: for (f = cstack; f; f = f->link) if (eq (f->binding, binding)) goto found_frame; /* fall through */ error ("GO tag stale", tag); found_frame: f->ret = cdar (p); longjmp (f->buf, 1); } T fsubr_block (T form, T env) { T name = cadr (form); struct cframe frame; frame.binding = cons (block_marker, name); env = cons (frame.binding, env); frame.link = cstack; frame.ret = NIL; cstack = &frame; if (0 == setjmp (frame.buf)) frame.ret = fsubr_progn (cdr (form), env); cstack = frame.link; return frame.ret; } T fsubr_return_from (T form, T env) { T name = cadr (form); T value = eval (caddr (form), env); T q, binding; struct cframe *f; /* Find block */ for (q = env; consp (q); q = cdr (q)) { binding = car (q); if (eq (block_marker, car (binding)) && eq (name, cdr (binding))) goto found; } /* fall through */ error ("BLOCK undefined", name); found: for (f = cstack; f; f = f->link) if (eq (f->binding, binding)) goto found_frame; /* fall through */ error ("Stale BLOCK", name); found_frame: f->ret = value; longjmp (f->buf, 1); } /* -- SUBRs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int subrp (T object) { return consp (object) && eq (sSUBR, car (object)); } int subr_ptr (T subr) { return get_num (cadr (subr)); } /* -- Closures ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * We have no closure datatype, but instead use: * * (CLOSURE . ) * * and macros look like * * (MACRO . ) */ T make_closure (T param_body, T cenv) { return cons (sCLOSURE, cons (cenv, param_body)); } int closurep (T x) { return consp (x) && eq (sCLOSURE, car (x)); } int macrop (T x) { return consp (x) && eq (sMACRO, car (x)); } T closure_param_body (T closure) { return cddr (closure); } T closure_env (T closure) { return cadr (closure); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char *fmt_decimal (uintmax_t u, char *buf, size_t n); T subr_room (void) { char buf [100]; T s = decode_output_stream_designator (sT); /* ### second buffer for fmt_decimal */ sprintf (buf, "Total: %12s bytes\n", fmt_decimal (GC_get_heap_size(), buf, sizeof (buf))); tyos (buf, s); sprintf (buf, "Free: %12s bytes\n", fmt_decimal (GC_get_free_bytes(), buf, sizeof (buf))); tyos (buf, s); sprintf (buf, "Used: %12s bytes\n", fmt_decimal (GC_get_heap_size() - GC_get_free_bytes(), buf, sizeof (buf))); tyos (buf, s); // sprintf (buf, "Collections: %ld\n", (long)GC_gc_no); // tyos (buf, s); return NIL; } T subr_quit (T exitcode) { exit (null (exitcode) ? 0 : get_num (exitcode)); } T subr_gc (void) { GC_gcollect (); return NIL; } char *fmt_decimal (uintmax_t u, char *buf, size_t n) { char *p; int i; if (u == 0) return "0"; p = buf + n; *(--p) = 0; i = 0; while (u) { if (p == buf) abort (); if (i && i % 3 == 0) *(--p) = ','; if (p == buf) abort (); *(--p) = (u % 10) + '0'; u /= 10; i++; } return p; } /* -- I/O ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ T subr_read_char (T stream) { stream = decode_input_stream_designator (stream); return mk_num (tyi (stream)); } T subr_peek_char (T type, T stream) { int c; stream = decode_input_stream_designator (stream); again: c = tyi (stream); if (!null(type) && strchr (WSPACE, c)) goto again; if (c != EOF) untyi (c, stream); return mk_num (c); } T subr_write_char (T c, T stream) { stream = decode_output_stream_designator (stream); tyo (get_num (c), stream); return c; } /* -- Tables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct subr_entry { unsigned sig; void *fun; char *name; }; const struct subr_entry subr_table [] = { { 2, cons, "CONS" }, { 1, car, "CAR" }, { 1, cdr, "CDR" }, { 2, rplaca, "RPLACA" }, { 2, rplacd, "RPLACD" }, { 1, symbol_value, "SYMBOL-VALUE" }, { 1, symbol_function, "SYMBOL-FUNCTION" }, /* x */ { 1, symbol_plist, "SYMBOL-PLIST" }, { 2, set, "SET" }, { 2, putd, "PUTD" }, /* x */ { 2, set_symbol_plist, "SET-SYMBOL-PLIST" }, { 0, subr_oblist, "OBLIST" }, { 1, subr_make_symbol, "MAKE-SYMBOL" }, { 1, subr_intern, "INTERN" }, { 1, makunbound, "MAKUNBOUND" }, /* x */ { 1, fmakunbound, "FMAKUNBOUND" }, /* x */ { 2, plus, "PLUS" }, { 2, difference, "DIFFERENCE" }, { 2, times, "TIMES" }, { 2, quotient, "QUOTIENT" }, { 2, subr_rem, "REM" }, { 2, subr_mod, "MOD" }, { 2, prin1, "PRIN1" }, { 2, princ, "PRINC" }, { 2, print, "PRINT" }, { 1, terpri, "TERPRI" }, { 2, subr_read, "READ" }, { 2, eval, "EVAL" }, { 2, subr_apply, "APPLY" }, { 0x11, consp, "CONSP" }, { 0x11, symbolp, "SYMBOLP" }, { 0x11, boundp, "BOUNDP" }, { 0x11, fboundp, "FBOUNDP" }, /* x */ { 0x11, numberp, "NUMBERP" }, { 0x11, integerp, "INTEGERP" }, /* ??? */ { 0x12, equ, "EQU" }, /* x */ { 0x12, lessp, "LESSP" }, { 0x12, eq, "EQ" }, { 0x11, null, "NULL" }, { 0x11, null, "NOT" }, { 0x11, atom, "ATOM" }, { 0x11, listp, "LISTP" }, { 0x12, eql, "EQL" }, { 1, &subr_truncate, "TRUNCATE" }, { 1, &subr_sin, "SIN" }, { 1, &subr_cos, "COS" }, { 1, &subr_tan, "TAN" }, { 2, &subr_expt, "EXPT" }, { 1, &subr_exp, "EXP" }, { 1, &subr_sqrt, "SQRT" }, { 1, &subr_random, "RANDOM" }, { 2, &subr_logior, "LOGIOR" }, { 2, &subr_logxor, "LOGXOR" }, { 2, &subr_logand, "LOGAND" }, { 1, &subr_lognot, "LOGNOT" }, { 0, &subr_room, "ROOM" }, { 0, &subr_gc, "GC" }, { 1, &subr_quit, "QUIT" }, { 1, &subr_read_char, "READ-CHAR" }, { 2, &subr_peek_char, "PEEK-CHAR" }, { 2, &subr_write_char, "WRITE-CHAR" }, { 1, &subr_openi, "OPENI" }, { 1, &subr_openo, "OPENO" }, { 1, &subr_close, "CLOSE" }, { 0, 0, 0 } }; #define NSUBR (sizeof (subr_table) / sizeof(subr_table[0]) - 1) const struct subr_entry *subr_entry (int k) { if ((k >= 0) && (k < NSUBR)) return subr_table + k; else error ("Bad subr", mk_num (k)); } T apply_subr (T subr, T args, T env, int evalp) { const struct subr_entry *info = subr_entry (subr_ptr (subr)); int n = info->sig & 0xF; void *fun = info->fun; T a [n]; int i; /* All arguments are optional */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++, args = cdr (args)) a[i] = evalp ? eval (car (args), env) : car (args); if (!null (args)) error ("Too many arguments", subr); /* ### better */ switch (info->sig) { case 0: return ((T (*) (void)) fun)(); case 1: return ((T (*) (T)) fun)(a[0]); case 2: return ((T (*) (T, T)) fun)(a[0], a[1]); case 0x11: return ((int (*) (T)) fun)(a[0]) ? sT : NIL; case 0x12: return ((int (*) (T, T)) fun)(a[0], a[1]) ? sT : NIL; default: abort (); } } /* -- Init --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void init (void) { T x; int k; /* GC */ GC_enable_incremental (); /* This reduces the memory foot print, for some reason. */ // GC_set_free_space_divisor (2); // GC_set_full_freq(1); GC_INIT (); for (k = MIN_FIXNUM; k <= MAX_FIXNUM; k++) fixnums[k - MIN_FIXNUM] = mk_num_aux (k); NIL_name = cstring_list ("NIL"); /* markers */ unbound = make_symbol_from_cstring ("#"); dot = make_symbol_from_cstring ("#"); rparen = make_symbol_from_cstring ("#"); tag_marker = make_symbol_from_cstring ("#"); block_marker = make_symbol_from_cstring ("#"); sFIN = make_symbol_from_cstring ("#"); #define _(var,name) var = intern_c (name); SYMBOLS; #undef _ set (sT, sT); #define _(fun,name) x = intern_c(name); putd (x, cons (sFSUBR, mk_num (k++))); k = 0; FSUBRS; #undef _ { int i; for (i = 0; i < NSUBR; i++) { x = intern_c (subr_table[i].name); putd (x, cons (sSUBR, cons (mk_num (i), cons (x, NIL)))); } } set (intern_c ("*STANDARD-INPUT*"), alloc_file (stdin, make_symbol_from_cstring ("/dev/stdin"))); set (intern_c ("*STANDARD-OUTPUT*"), alloc_file (stdout, make_symbol_from_cstring ("/dev/stdout"))); set (intern_c ("*ERROR-OUTPUT*"), x = alloc_file (stderr, make_symbol_from_cstring ("/dev/stderr"))); } /* -- Main --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void herald (void) { printf (";;\n"); printf (";; Lucky Lisp\n"); printf (";;\n"); } void error (const char *msg, T x) { T s = symbol_value (intern_c ("*ERROR-OUTPUT*")); princ (make_symbol_from_cstring ("*** ERROR: "), s); princ (make_symbol_from_cstring (msg), s); princ (make_symbol_from_cstring (" - "), s); prin1 (x, s); terpri (s); abort (); } T driver_eval (T form) { return eval (cons (intern_c ("EVAL"), cons (cons (sQUOTE, cons (form, NIL)), NIL)), NIL); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { T x; (void)argc; (void)argv; #if USE_READLINE using_history (); { rl_initialize (); rl_get_screen_size (&con_rows, &con_cols); // printf ("%d x %d; %d\n", con_cols, con_rows, isatty (0)); } #endif init (); herald (); if (1) { int i; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { FILE *f = fopen (argv [i], "r"); T input; if (f == NULL) error ("Cannot open file", make_symbol_from_cstring (argv [i])); input = alloc_file (f, make_symbol_from_cstring (argv[1])); while (!eq (sFIN, x = read_object (input, 2))) /* ### */ { prin1 (driver_eval (x), sT); terpri (sT); } rplaca (cdr (input), NIL); fclose (f); } } for (;;) { T x; tyos ("Input: ", decode_output_stream_designator (sT)); x = subr_read (sT, sFIN); if (eq (x, sFIN)) { terpri (sT); break; } x = driver_eval (x); prin1 (x, sT); terpri (sT); } return 0; }