A random place for little hacks.

-URLCreation DateOctets

A kludge to make compiler error messages of CMUCL clickable and take you to the source location where the error occurred. Requires CMUCL, ilisp and probably XEmacs.

A CLIM class browser
  2003-05-07  3,844
[dir]cmucl-meta-dot.lisp  2003-05-22  4,127

A minimal implementation of the TELNET protocol for CMUCL. You can log into a running Lisp process. Most notably interrupts are properly processed, so that you can attach ilisp to a running Lisp process by answering telnet localhost 4711 to the »Programm: « question.

  2003-09-27  11,267

An attempt to teach ilisp a sensible M-. command which also works with generic functions. Use M-, to find all methods. Also works with accessors.

Needs cmucl-meta-dot.lisp

  2003-05-22  4,764

Hack for McCLIM to have negative exposures. That is when a pane is scrolled we repaint the exposed region immediately instead of waiting for the exposure event to come in from the X server. We stuff negative exposure events into the event queue to indicated that the repainted region is clean.

  2003-05-15  20,392
[dir]pointer-docu-kludge.diff.txt  2003-05-15  781
[dir]protocol.lisp  2017-07-25  26,558
[dir]sane-cmucl.txt  2003-05-17  2,231

Gilbert Baumann
Powered by CL-HTTP/70.156 (CMU Common Lisp; 0.3.9)